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Scrapbooking Page Idea: Baby’s Firsts

March 20, 2011

Posted under Blog, Scrapbooking

For mothers like me, nothing is more precious than being able to care for our own child. There maybe those who are working but I think as parents there is always room for capturing those highlights as the baby grows up. The very priceless moments are those first few months with the baby. This is the stage when you are starting to learn and see how his body reacts and moves outside mommy’s womb. Tip: try to be organized and keep all small things your baby is associated with, so you can add it in your page.

Birth Announcement. Birth announcements are not only for greeting cards or for you to share to your loved ones, but rather take those types of designs in your scrapbook page. Mine is actually an album or photobook (I love digital scrapbooking and turn them into photobooks). Most of the great captures of my son while he is still in the hospital is included as my birth announcement pages. Included are details when he was born like date and body measurements. For my other pages I include a copy of birth certificate. You can also in the future create a page with his small booty or clothes that he first used.

First Diaper Change. When we got home, trying to settle and make the baby adjust to his new environment, there will also come the time when all the nasty stuffs come out. Hey, of course it is so natural. We took pictures of him being changed. It is really cute because you will see the reaction on his face.

First Bath. For the first time you will see your baby react to water and boy, do they really scream at first. Then I found out that my baby loves the water. So document the stages of bathing until dressing up. Write down your experience for bathing a baby, how delicate and fragile, and how loud.

First Test. After a week, we had the normal follow-up check up of the baby. They had him screened if he has or possibility to have diseases like diabetes. What I did is I saved the results and added to my scrapbook page along with his picture crying because of the needle they used to get sample blood. (Poor baby)

First Occasion. Now, we all have traditions that we follow. For us, we get out baby baptized in the Christianity. So this is his first occasion. And like any other occasion, you can make a whole album out of it. For my pages, I documented the whole event in the Church then followed by the reception. Along it, I took down all the visitors and made sure that they are included in the album so that when my baby grows up, he will know who were there in his first occasions.

There are so many other “firsts” for a baby and so many ideas for scrapbook page or photobook. We will tackle those and baby’s milestones on my next post.

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